Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A character called Khaleel !!

After many of my friends had asked me to write about Khaleel, I finally decided to write about this guy three days after his 23rd birthday.

Here I go,

K - Koool & Karizmatic
H - Humorous/Horny
A - Ambitious
L - Lovable
E - Energetic
E - Easy going
L - Lustrous

This guy is one of the rarest characters I have ever met till date. Rare - because he loves everyone impartially, be it a guy or a gal (pun intended). He treats everyone equally and doesn't discriminate between people. Heard that he still gets a hug and a kiss from his old maid. He has the talent of grasping things very fast. For example, you could show him how to do a dance step and the very next moment you can see him do it better than you. Great talent to acquire bro.

He has his own unique style of doing things - be it, hair-styling or the way he plays Table-Tennis. He always sounds positive and believes that whatever happens will happen for the good. Will never give-up trying once he has set his sight on something. Very dedicated and determined in everything he does.

He can chat about some weird topics for hours and he wouldn't stop until he gets a few harsh words from Bharath for crossing his limits. He is a multi-talented personality - A good singer, dancer and a great cricketer. One can confidently change the phrase "Jack of all, master of none" to "Master of all, jack of none" to describe this guy. I just heard a weird Kannada song called "Chitranna" while coming in the cab today morning. Khaleel, with his amazing voice can put all those singers to shame.

Here is what your close friends feel about you Khaleel,

Bharath - A very lively person (very shy also) and a good friend. If there is a lot of flirting and talking (which doesn’t make sense most of the time) involved anywhere then it’s surely Khaleel. Well on the serious side, I hope to see him scaling new heights both in his career and much more in life. “You have a lot of potential Khaleel, use it well and you will be an inspiration to a lot of people.” Wishing you all the best once again.

Srinidhi - "Khaleel has a passion for life. He loves living with full throttle giving his best always. He is fun-loving.”

Akash – “Khaleel is a very energetic, enthusiastic, easy going and a funny guy (Sorry for giving him the status of a guy).He is very talkative (hardly has he spoken something with sense) and it is rare to see him sitting quiet. He is very much particular with his so called Spike hairstyle. He is unperturbed when anyone criticizes him for fun and always takes things in a light manner. It is hard to find a guy like Khaleel who can take things so easily. I have only told you of the better half of him. The other half of Khaleel is a little scary. He is extremely short tempered at times. He tends to speak anything out of anger (I have also experienced it). It is very difficult to control him at that point of time. This is one of the things he has to improve upon. On the whole, Khaleel is a lively person and a great friend of mine.”

Nagashree - "The extremes of two emotions I found in him.
If you have a friend, you should have one like him,
If you have an enemy, you should have one like him."

This one is my favorite of the lot,

Mamatha - "Khaleel, as I’ve seen is a person who doesn’t walk as if he rules the world but walks as if he doesn’t care who rules the world. Now, that’s called Attitude. Keep Rocking Khaleel.”

Madhu - "The first time I met Khaleel, I thought he is a guy whose endeavor is to impress girls, but later I came to know that I was wrong (as he tries to impress guys).
The very first thought that comes to my mind when I think of Khaleel is a guy who is immensely talented.

Let me tell you the good part of this guy:
Very quick learner,
One who makes friends very easily.
One who can make you laugh (through his PJ’s),
Immensely talented.

Coming to the bad part:
He is very short tempered and shouts at people without putting a second thought,
He thinks he is right always (Although he is sometimes),
Gets irritated quickly,
Doesn’t listen to other people.

Khaleel I have only one suggestion for you. Please control your emotions and have patience in life and keep the good stuff going.
You Rock dude.
I think I am Lucky to have a friend like you."

Chethan - “This guy is a multi-talented fellow. I saw him first in our famous JAVA-3 lab, when he was singing some Hindi songs along with some of his friends. That was when I got a feel of his awesome voice… Then on, it was just an exchange of casual words between us till Virtual Tennis came into picture… Got to say that this game played its part in bringing people closer, especially in our JAVA-3 batch… (along with that memorable trip to GOA). He is good at cricket too. I wish I could bat like him one day. (But still, I am the best all-rounder.., arguably ;-)). And to add to these, he is a very good dancer… (Bloody hell..!! I am quitting. I don’t want to keep praising him throughout the day...!). Best of luck buddy. Have a wonderful year ahead… J”

Sendhil -

Loads of Talent

Keen to help (Girls first)

Last, but not the least. Here is what Maha feels about you Khaleel,

Mahalakshmi - "Khaleel is a gem of a person. Looks like a lazy, happy-go-lucky guy, but is very determined and dedicated from within.
Has a lot of respect for people, relations…
Also 1 big PJ master!!! ;) [Most of his jokes will be so funny that you will have to tickle yourself to laugh!!! :D ]
A great person to be around with… always happiest when I am with him! :)"

Hope this came to you as a pleasant surprise Khaleel. Wishing you success in all your endeavors’. Have a great life ahead. I am sure that you have got the right attitude that will take you a long way. Keep rocking bro.

  • I would like to thank Mahalakshmi for her co-operation. Wish you both a great life together.
  • Though most of you guys still feel that Mr.Khaleel is very short-tempered, I must admit that he has now improved and is more patient than before.

Kishan Chandranna

Monday, August 11, 2008

Extracting Value out of Value Lanes!!!

After a long wait, we all got the chance to set out for an outing with our colleagues to a place called Value Lanes. Most of us had never heard about this place before. We just got a clue that it was a camp set-up by a retired Major and it would be very adventurous. So, most of us had mixed reactions. What would we be made to do? Would we return back home in one piece? These were some of the things that were running on all our minds.

The suspense was to be broken as we set out our journey at 4PM on the 8th of August. We reached the place at 5PM after a bumpy ride and were welcomed by Major Vibhav Kapoor. We were served nice bhajji's and kesari-bath. Subsequently, we were given a welcome speech by the Major in which we were told about the objectives of this OBL before our first activity actually started.

The first activity given was a project which had three phases in it. Each phase had its own offerings and difficulty-levels. The project was complete only when all the three phases were completed by all of us. Some of us were delighted to be a part of a project atleast this way. It was a truly amazing experience even though some of us fell down more than often. But that didn't stop any of us from completing the tasks. After that, it was time for some relaxation as we were offered some biscuits and Nimbu-paani.

We were then called for a meeting with the Major himself to discuss the happenings of the project. What went right and what went wrong. Some valuable lessons were learnt. It was then time to set-up a Camp-fire and for all of us to dance after Barbeque was offered. All of us had a great time dancing and witnessing some weird dance-steps by Deepak Arora. Some of them were never seen before.

Later on, we had our dinner and our next activity was supposed to start at 7AM the next day. So, it was time to take a nap for some of them. But most of us had the energy within ourselves to play some games that reminded me of my childhood. After playing till 1AM in the night, most of us were tired and decided that it was time to sleep.

As we all set out to sleep, we hear a innocent voice from Nidhi - " I am not feeling sleepy at all ". So, we decide to sit and chat for sometime. We were 8 people in all chatting away till 2AM about some weird things before we settled in our respective tents anticipating a hard-day's work the next day.

We all were ready by 7AM the next morning and geared up for the next activity which was supposed to the most strainous of them all. We were divided into 3 teams. Each team had to complete a total of 11 tasks of varying difficulty-levels. Most of us were eager to try our hand at all the tasks even though it wasn't mandatory for all of us to complete all the 11 tasks. Some were more than just eager and wanted to try doing the most difficult tasks which led to a few pit falls. The most noteable one was when Nidhi tried to do the Tarzan jump and injured herself in the process. God save the pit she fell into. Just kidding eh. Some of them like Kirat had the time to repeat most of the tasks as they wanted to grab the bonuses offered.

After that, it was time for us to have some nice Idly-Vada and get ready for a session with the Major to comment on the happenings of the just concluded activity. Subsequently, the next activity was awaiting us in which we were supposed to walk on a rope tied 6 feet above the ground blind-folded. The look on many people's faces told how nervous they were. Among those, the look on Shweta Pandey's face said it all. She, after witnessing Nidhi's fall was very nervous and just wasn't ready yet for an activity like this one. Fortunately, most of us succeeded walking on the rope with the help of our team-mates. This time there was just one casualty.

We got to know that we would be going to the lake-side for Rafting after we had our lunch and this was supposedly our last activity. It was a ten-minute drive to the lake-side from where we were. We were then divided into 4 teams and were asked to design a raft. The best among the designs was going to be approved and we had to build the raft all by ourselves. We had a great time building it and each one of us contributed. After having built the raft, we had to check whether it was safe to serve its purpose. Fortunately, all of the raft's built were actually safe and we started rafting. We were in water for just 5 minutes when rain played spoil-sport and we were asked to return back.

Finally, after an eventful day we returned to our respective tent's to pack our bags. All of us were disappointed about the fact that our trip got over so quickly. We had a valedictory speech given by the Major in which we were asked about the learnings we were able to grab from the OBL. We all thanked the Major and his associates for the unforgettable day and a half we spent together with them. We all got into our bus and were given a send-off by the Major.

None of us would ever forget this memorable OBL, thanks to Manjunath without whom, this wouldn't have been possible. We had a lot of fun and there were some valuable lessons for us to learn and implement in our lives. Here are some of the important one's,

Time Management
Importance of Attentive listening
Good planning always leads to effective implementation
Effective utilization of the data/resources/inputs given
Trust your team-members
Proper understanding of the requirements
Power of feedback (Positive/Negative)
Efficient allocation of work considering the skills of each of your team-members
Last but not the least, Never forget the lessons learnt

I hope we never forget the lessons we learnt and try to implement those in our day-to-day activities. This is just a small contribution I have made towards achieving that.
Hope you could relive those cherishable moments while reading this.
Signing Off.

Kishan Chandranna