Let me start by asking you all a question,
Do you want to get married at some point in your life??
Do you want to get married at some point in your life??
Well, if your answer is NO, I suggest you to stop reading what follows..
Ok.. You said you want to get married right.. Then my next question for you would be..What do you feel is the right time for you to get married??
This might be very difficult for you to answer.. Same is the case with everyone else including me.. But then, I like answering tough questions no matter whether I am right or wrong.. So, I will give a shot at this as well..
Here is my take on the right time to get married.. I feel you should'nt get married until you reach that point in life where,
1) You feel you need a partner.. i.e someone to take care of you..
2) You are confident about yourself in handling all the responsibilities that will land on your shoulders once you get married..
3) You have quit all your bad habits..
If you have reached this point in life, then what are you waiting for?? I guess its time for you to get married..
If you have'nt reached this point in your life yet, ENJOY till you reach that point..
What follows is strictly for those who said NO to marriage and continued to read on.. Strictly for MEN who said NO only..
I have a question for you guys..
What made you feel not to get married??
Your answers might probably look like these,
1) I am happy being alone.. So I want to stay alone for the rest of my life..
2) I do not want to take that extra responsibility of getting married and looking after your wife and children..
3) I don't want to spoil my life by getting married.. I want to be happy always.. I can't stay with one women througout my life..
For those who agree that the first point is the sole reason for you to not get married, I would say that you have'nt reached that point in life where you feel you need someone to take care of yourself and you are not confident in handling the responsibilities that come with marriage..
I would suggest you guys to wait till you reach that point in life.. If you still feel you want be alone even after reaching that point, Go ahead..
For those who agree that the second point is the sole reason for you to not get married, I would say.. Common dude, Be a man.. Take life as it comes, accept all the responsibilities that come your way and deal with them as a man..
For those who agree that the third point is the sole reason for you to not get married, I would say.. Who said that getting married will spoil your life?? It will improve you as a human-being..
Who said that you can't be happy after getting married?? Stop assuming things.. There might be a few cases like that but it need not happen that way with you.. Be positive man..
Now if you are a girl but continued reading even though I suggested you not to.. This proves a point that women do not listen at all.. This is the reason I like women.. This attitude of theirs is going to change your life for the better and add spice to it..
Cheers and Keep Rocking...
Kishan Chandranna
Hmmm.... i like the last paragraph. That's the best take i've read on women not listening to what they r told.
Good job dude... :)
Nice topic Kishan.. But still u have written this blog about normal guys and gals.. What about people like madhu??
I liked the last commet about girls and u have realized the value of women .. Beega uddhara agthya :)
hey ... even i liked the last paragraph.Nice topic on the whole...
cool topic ... simple one is .. "all of us ll get married when there is strong pressure from our parrents :("
this topic is very nice.nobody can escape this message to those guys who are mentally upright.all message are true. i agree with you kishan...thanks for your post.
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